stalker saya.haha

Monday, August 22, 2011

~finding out u lied to me is harder than the truth would have been :|~


Anonymous said...

la..nape lak nie..? namo sedih2 ye!

*memang susah sgt berat sgt rase biler tahu the truth ttg ape sje di sekeliling kiter kn..?*

vendoline said...

ayat perli org kew ni

sad writer said...

how about white lie?

yaya | mohd said...

tieha : sakit sgt ati ni ble tau tau hal sbnar.thnx dear bg smgt :')

edy : haah..

farhana : hmm..klu white lie yaya boleh maafkan farhana.tpi ni..takk..ta pttt dtipu dgn care bgni :(

sad writer said...

people lie with reasons. give them chance to explain. still..if u can't except it.. hmmm..xtaw nk cite. heheh